Sunday 9 July 2017


According to my opinion, No a Chengdu J-20 cannot take down a Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. To know why not? First of all, let us make a fair comparison between the two fighter jets.
  • Chengdu J-20-
The Chengdu J-20 is a stealth, twin jet engine, fifth-generation fighter aircraft developed by China's Chengdu Aerospace Corporation for the People's Liberation Army Air Force of ChinaJ-20 is a single seat aircraft with a length of about 20.4 m and height of 4.4 m. It has a wingspan of 13.5 mChengdu J-20 uses two Shenyang WS-10G engines. However, the later production models of J-20 were equipped with Saturn AL-31F-M2 or Xian WS-15. Among these engines, Xian WS-15 is more widely used. The engines generate a dry thrust of 87 or 111 kN (19,500 or 25,000 lbf) and 140 or 180 kN (32,000 or 40,000 lbf) with afterburners. The Air Craft can reach a maximum speed of 2,100 km/hr. It’s maximum take off weight is 36,288 kg.
A Xian WS-15 Engine: The one which is being used in recent production models of Chengdu J-20.
The Chengdu J-20 prototype made it’s first flight on 11th January,2011 and till date eight prototypes of J-20 have been built followed by five low-rate initial production variants. Presently, there are six J-20’s in People’s Liberation Army Air Force of China with many more under production.
A Chengdu J-20 taking-off from A Chinese Air Base
The J-20 has a long and wide fuselagewith the chiseled nose section and a frameless canopy resembling that of the F-22 Raptor. Immediately behind the cockpit are low observable intakesAll-moving canard surfaces with pronounced dihedral are placed behind the intakes, followed by leading edge extensions merging into delta wing with forward-swept trailing edges. The aft section features twin, outward canted all-moving fins, short but deep ventral strakes, and conventional round engine exhausts. One important design criterion for the J-20 describes high instability. This requires sustained pitch authority at a high angle of attack, in which a conventional tail-plane would lose effectiveness due to stalling. On the other hand, a canard can deflect opposite to the angle of attackavoiding stall and thereby maintaining control.
A Canard Design
A canard design is also known to provide good supersonic performance, excellent supersonic and transonic turn performance, and improved short-field landing performance compared to the conventional delta wing design. Leading edge extensions and body lift are incorporated to enhance performance in a canard layout. This combination is said by the designer to generate 1.2 times the lift of an ordinary canard delta, and 1.8 times more lift than an equivalent sized pure delta configuration. The designer claims such a combination allows the use of a smaller wing, reducing supersonic drag without compromising transonic lift-to-drag characteristics that are crucial to the aircraft's turn performance.
A Delta Design
The aircraft features glass cockpit, with two main large color liquid crystal displays (LCD) situated side-by-side, three smaller auxiliary displays, and a wide-angle holographic head-up display (HUD). A PLAAF Tupolev Tu-204 testbed aircraft featured a J-20 nose cone. It is believed to house the Type 1475 (KLJ-5) active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar with 1856 transmit/receive modules.
The Cockpit of J-20
Prototype "2011" featured a revised nose section with elements resembling a Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System(EODAS/EOTS system, and a metal finish that loosely resembles the radar absorbing Haze Paint first used on F-16s, and reportedly included sensor fusion technology. A Chinese company A-Star Science and Technology has developed the EOTS-86 electro-optical targeting system and Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System for the J-20 and potentially other PLAAF fighters to detect and intercept stealth aircraft.
Chengdu J-20 has ETOS at it’s nose
The main weapon bay is capable of housing both short and long-range air-to-air missiles (AAM) (PL-9, PL-12C/D & PL15 - PL-21). Two smaller lateral weapon bays behind the air inlets are intended for short-range AAMs (PL-9). These bays allow closure of the bay doors prior to firing the missile, thus enhancing stealth of the air craft.
A J-20 Aircraft with it’s armament bay open
Analysts noted that the J-20's nose and canopy use a similar stealth shaping design as the F-22, yielding similar signature performance in a mature design at the front, while the aircraft's side and axi-symmetric engine nozzles may expose the aircraft to radar. One prototype has been powered by WS-10G engines equipped with different jagged-edge nozzles and tiles for greater stealth.
Some aviation experts have raised doubts about the use of canards on a low-observable design, stating that canards would guarantee radar detection and a compromise of stealth. However, canards and low-observability are not mutually exclusive designs. Northrop Grumman's proposal for the U.S. Navy's Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) incorporated canards on a stealthy airframe. Lockheed Martin employed canards on a stealth airframe for the Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) program during early development before dropping them due to complications with aircraft carrier recovery. McDonnell Douglas and NASA's X-36 featured canards and was considered to be extremely stealthy. Radar cross-section can be further reduced by controlling canard deflection through flight control software, as is done on the Eurofighter.
A Chengdu J-20 flying through the clouds
The diverterless supersonic inlet (DSI) enables an aircraft to reach Mach 2.0 with a simpler intake than traditionally required, and improves stealth performance by eliminating radar reflections between the diverter and the aircraft's skin. Analysts have noted that the J-20 DSI reduces the need for application of radar absorbent materials. Additionally, the "bump" surface reduces the engine's exposure to radar, significantly reducing a strong source of radar reflection.
An image summarising the features of Chengdu J-20
  • Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor-
The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the United States Air Force (USAF). The result of the USAF's Advanced Tactical Fighter program, the aircraft was designed primarily as an air superiority fighter, but also has ground attack, electronic warfare, and signal intelligence capabilities.
The prime contractor, Lockheed Martinbuilt most of the F-22's airframe and weapons systems and did its final assembly, while Boeing provided the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and training systems.
A Diagram showing which company manufactured which part of F-22 Raptor. Lockheed Martin was the main contractor
The Lockheed Martin F-22 has a length of 18.92 m and height of 5.08 m. It’s wingspan is of 13.56 m. The Air Craft runs on Two Pratt and Whitney F119-PW-100 Turbofan engines which generate a dry thrust of 116 kN (26,000 lb) each and 156 kN (35,000 lb) with using afterburners. It has a maximum speed of 2,410 km/hr. This Air Craft has a maximum take-off weight of 38,000 kg.
Pratt and Whitney F119-PW-100 Turbofan engine fitted with an After Burner
F-22 is highly maneuverable at both supersonic and subsonic speeds. Computerized flight control system and full-authority digital engine control (FADEC) make the aircraft highly departure resistant and controllable. The Raptor's relaxed stability and powerful thrust-vectoring engines enable the aircraft to turn tightly and perform very high alpha (angle of attack) maneuvers such as the Herbst maneuver (J-turn) and Pugachev's Cobra. The aircraft is also capable of maintaining over 60° alpha while having some roll control.
The F-22 has a glass cockpit with all-digital flight instruments. The monochrome head-up display offers a wide field of view and serves as a primary flight instrument; information is also displayed upon six color liquid-crystal display (LCD) panels. The primary flight controls are a force-sensitive side-stick controller and a pair of throttles. The USAF initially wanted to implement direct voice input (DVI) controls, but this was judged to be too technically risky and was abandoned. The canopy's dimensions are approximately 140 inches long, 45 inches wide, and 27 inches tall (355 cm x 115 cm x 69 cm) and weighs 360 pounds.
A F-22 Cockpit
Raptor has three internal weapons bays: a large bay on the bottom of the fuselage, and two smaller bays on the sides of the fuselage, aft of the engine intakes. The main bay can accommodate six LAU-142/A launchers for beyond-visual-range missiles and each side bay has an LAU-141/A launcher for short-range missiles.Four of the launchers in the main bay can be replaced with two bomb racks that can each carry one 1,000 lb (450 kg) or four 250 lb (110 kg) bombs. Carrying armaments internally maintains the aircraft's stealth and minimizes additional drag. Missile launches require the bay doors to be open for less than a second, during which hydraulic arms push missiles clear of the aircraft; this is to reduce vulnerability to detection and to deploy missiles during high speed flight.
AIM-120 AMRAAM (right) fitted in the main weapons bay of an F-22
The F-22 can also carry air-to-surface weapons such as bombs with Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) guidance and the Small-Diameter Bomb, but cannot self-designate for laser-guided weapons.Internal air-to-surface ordnance is limited to 2,000 lb (910 kg).An internally mounted M61A2 Vulcan 20 mm rotary cannon is embedded in the right wing root with the muzzle covered by a retractable door to maintain stealth.The radar projection of the cannon fire's path is displayed on the pilot's head-up display.
F-22 with external weapons pylons
The F-22's high cruise speed and altitude increase the effective ranges of its munitions, with the aircraft having 50% greater employment range for the AIM-120 AMRAAM than prior platforms.While specifics are classified, it is expected that JDAMs employed by F-22s will have twice or more the effective range of legacytesting, an F-22 dropped a GBU-32 JDAM from 50,000 feet (15,000 m) while cruising at Mach 1.5, striking a moving target 24 miles (39 km) away.
A Lockheed Martin F-22 Bombarding
The F-22 was designed to be highly difficult to detect and track by radar. Measures to reduce radar cross-section include airframe shaping such as alignment of edges, fixed-geometry serpentine inlets that prevent line-of-sight of the engine faces from any exterior view, use of radar-absorbent material (RAM), and attention to detail such as hinges and pilot helmets that could provide a radar return. The F-22 was also designed to have decreased radio emissions, infrared signature and acoustic signature as well as reduced visibility to the naked eye. The aircraft's flat thrust-vectoring nozzle reduces infrared emissions to mitigate the threat of infrared homing ("heat seeking") surface-to-air or air-to-air missiles. Additional measures to reduce the infrared signature include special paint and active cooling of leading edges to manage the heat buildup from supersonic flight.
The Lockheed Martin F-22’s of The United Stated Air Force
Inference- Thus, one can infer that The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is better than A Chengdu J-20. This is because of the following reasons-
  • The J-20 is not designed as a dog fighting fighter jet and is not a true stealth jet due to limited stealth capabilities.
  • The Avionic system in the cockpit of F-22 are more informative than J-20. Therefore, the pilot can have a better understanding of the exact location of the enemy jet.
  • The F-22 comes with an integrated system which enables the Raptor to fire a missile so quickly as soon as it senses an enemy aircraft that the pilot in the other jet (J-20) wouldn’t even sense that a missile has been fired towards him.
  • F-22 has more speed than J-20 and it has more take-off weight than that of J-20. This enables the pilot to carry more armament.
  • The F-22 is ‘Tried and Tested’ whereas The J-20 is still under developmental process. Whether, J-20 project is completely successful or not, only the time will tell.
  • Another significant aspect is that The F-22 Raptor can fly at a maximum altitude of 60,000 ft whereas J-20 is still not flyable at such a high altitude.
  • Till date only five low rate initial production fighters of Chengdu J-20 have been produced and they are not competent enough to go head to head with a F-22. However, Chengdu J-20 is still under development so, whether it becomes competent to give a tough competition to Lockhedd Martin F-22 or not, only the time will tell.


Some of the best examples of hypocrisy in India are as follows-
  • Some citizens spitting on the roads and public places and later complaining that India is dirty-
A man spitting on the footpath from his car
wall of public place painted with gutkha spits. Similar is the condition for almost all the public places
  • Destroying public property and later complaining that Government is useless and is not interested in doing works of public welfare.
The Indian Railways started a new luxurious train named ‘Tejas’ featuring newer modern on-board facilities. After the inaugural run, the Railways officials were dumbstruck. This was because, some commuters had stolen the headphones given to them, scratched LED screens, vandalised the bio-vacuum toilets and someone had pelted a stone on one of the windows of The Tejas Train. People treated public property in this manner and later on, they complain that in India nothing can happen. Such hypocrites. The Mahamana Express Train was also vandalised in similar fashion.
  • Cricket is considered as ‘The Sport with Highest Stature’ and rest all sports are treated as second class. Later, guys say that they support cricket because India only excels in that.
When the players of Women’s Kabaddi Team reached India after winning Kabaddi World Cup by defeating England in the finals, there was NO official to receive them. They waited on the roads for autorickshaws and later went to their respective homes.
  • If any woman accuses a man of molestation or any other crime, the man is by default treated as a criminal without a proper investigation being done in the matter.
The latest example is Sarvjeet Singh and Jasleen Kaur case in which Jasleen Kaur had accused Sarvjeet Singh of molesting and abusing her at a traffic signal in Delhi. She shared a photo of Sarvjeet on Facebook claiming that he had molested her. The post went viral and numerous people started abusing Sarvjeet and praising Jasleen without even knowing the complete story.
The media portrayed Sarvjeet as ‘A Harasser’ and ‘A Pevert’ and some news channels started campaign to punish Sarvjeet even without knowing his side on the story. Politicians and Women Empowerment Cells filled cases against Sarvjeet.
Later on, In just a day, things started taking a U-turn when the police questioned, Vishwajeet Singh, an eyewitnessHe vouched for the innocence of Sarvjeet in the matter and confirmed that it was Jasleen who verbally abused and misbehaved with the man. Social media users switched sides, actor Sonakshi Sinha, who initially supported Kaur, apologised to Sarvjeet and Delhi CM Kejriwal was called out for praising the girl before even a primary investigation about the case was completed.
  • The police is for safety and ensuring law and order in the state. But, in some places citizens fear police more than they fear criminals.
few days ago, a video went viral on Youtube in which a Police Officer is seen slapping an elderly man.
  • Shopkeepers giving toffees and chocolates instead of returning the change and when you’ll give them toffees and chocolates instead of money, they won’y accept.
  • Some senseless fellows themselves damage ‘The Places of National Interest’ and later complain that the concerned authorities aren’t doing their job properly and our heritage is at risk.
  • Media performing trial- The job of media is to report the news with accuracy to the public. But, now a days, The Indian Media is seen to perform trials live on air and declare so and so person a criminal. In most of the cases, the trials are one sided only.
News Channels performed media trails in Sarvjeet-Jasleen Kaur case in which Jasleen Kaur had accused Sarvjeet of molesting and harassing her. They portrayed this fellow as ‘A Pevert’ and ‘A Harasser’. But, later on, it was found that the girl ‘Jasleen Kaur’ had done this only to get ‘Free Popularity’ and ‘Nothing of such sort had been done by Sarvjeet’. This was confirmed by an eye- witness Vishwajeet Singh. The news channels didn’t even public apologised to this innocent fellow for portraying him as a villain.
Actress Sonakshi Sinha apologised to SarvjeetShe initially had supported Jasleen in this case.
  • The Indian society accepts a former porn star like Sunny Leone. But, the same Indian society doesn’t accept a rape victim and do work for her betterment and help her to lead a respectable life.
People pity Sunny Leone when she cries when questioned about her past. But, the same people look down on rape victims and don’t even consider them as a part of society. Such hypocrites.
  • The Traffic Police sometimes themselves don’t wear helmets, do triple riding and not abide by traffic rules at times and the same Traffic Police catches citizens who don’t abide by the rules and fine them heavily.
This pic of police constables riding without helmet and doing triple riding went viral a few days ago. If same thing had been done by a common man, Traffic Police would have fined him heavily.
  • Although, The Government claims that corruption is getting wiped out from the Government machinery, yet practically there is hardly any Government office where you can get you work done on time without paying a bribe.
  • Banks give interest on our our dispositions as low as 4-6%But when we take loan their interest rate goes as high as 14-18%Banks are there to do business. But so much difference is an example of hypocrite.
  • The Government of India is encouraging and trying to implement ‘Cashless Economy’ in India. But, some banks like ‘The State Bank of India’ levy high transaction charges on every debit card, ATM card transaction.
  • Boys asking for ‘Dowry’ is a crime. But, Girls expecting boys with 6–7 digit salary is completely fine. (P.S.- I don’t support ‘Dowry System’).
  • Before taking any step, The Army has to seek permission from The Government, i.e., the enemy is infront of you, yo’ll have to ask for permission weather you’ll kill him or catch him alive and then attack. This procedure results in loss to valuable time and alas many soldiers attain martyrdom due to this policy.
  • Some Kashmiri Youth pelt stones on The Indian Army and in times of crisis the same people cry for help from our Army.
The Kashmiri Youth pelt stones on Indian Army by taking money from Anti-Indian Organisations. Later, they cry for help to Indian Army when flood or any other natural calamity occurs.
Indian Army helping Kashmiris during flood.
  • The Education Stream a student chooses determines the status of the student and not his intelligence. Eg- One with science has more respect than those with Commerce followed by Arts.
  • Judging a female on basis of her dress- Some hyper conservatives judge a females’s character on the basis of her dress’s size. If she is wearing saree, they she must be from good family background a strong personality and character. But, if she wears wears a skirt, they she is of loose character.
Hyper Conservatives consider women who wear sarees as traditional and cultueal as well as a possessor of good character. Wheraes in cased of those who wear skirts, their thinking is just the opposite.
  • People with dark complexion are said to be ugly no matter how beautiful they are. Whereas, ones with fair complexion are considered to be beautiful.
Cosmetics manufacturers make huge profits by selling fairness creams. They portray in their advertizements that to achieve success ‘A Fair Look’ is necessary. This creates a low feeling for dark complexioned peoples.
  • People stayed in line for hours under the hot sun to get a ‘Free Reliance Jio SIM’ but the same guys felt discomfort when they had to change Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes when de-monetisation took place.
People waiting outside a Reliance Digital Store to get a Jio SIM
People waiting outside a SBI Branch to get their notes exchanged during de-monetisation.
  • The Constitution of India gives every citizen ‘The Right to Equality’ and ‘Freedom from Caste-Based Discrimination’. But, The same Constitution of India divides it’s citizens into General Caste, Other Backward Castes, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and others. The same Constitution provides ‘Caste Based Reservation’ for entrance into various colleges and institutions and also in Government jobs. Due to this one with 2*X more marks sits at home and one with less than half marks as compared to him gets job or entry into education institution because he is from ‘Lower Caste’.
The Great Indian Reservation System
Different types of Reservations in India
  • The application of law on a criminal depends on his political stature and connections and the amount of money he is possessing.
Vijay Mallya, the defaulter who escaped from India withouting paying the loan of Rs 9,000 Crores was observed freely watch India-Pakistan match of Champions Trophy at Edgbaston in Birmingham on 4th June. (One in the circle).
Now, if a common man is unable to repay a lan of even a small amount, say 5 lakhs and he is unable to repay it, his properties are confiscated and he may land behind bars as well.
Many politicians even after commiting dangerous crimes roam freely whereas a small thief is brutally thrashed by the police.
  • Acid Attack Victims find it hard to get a respectable position in the society whereas the same society talks about women-empowerment.
  • The Educational Institutions are considered as ‘The Temples of Learning’. But, some educational institutions take admissions after taking huge sums of money in the name of ‘Donation’ and ‘Building Fund’ to the undeserving candidates and the deserving ones don’t get equal opportunity because they cannot afford.
Many Private Medical Colleges in India offer admissions under the management quota after taking huge sums of money. Similar is the case for colleges which offer other courses as well.
  • Most of the Educational Institutions have a Student Representative Council whose members are mostly active members of any political party. Instead of doing jobs of student welfare, they do politics among the students and use ‘Divide and Rule’ policy to create differences between the students on the basis of caste and other parameters for their own political benefit.
Many student leaders create differences between the students for their own political benefit.


The ‘Prince of Calcutta’, Sourav Chandidas Ganguly is the only cricketer in the world to receive ‘Four-Consecutive Man of The Match Awards’. He did in the Sahara ‘Friendship Cup’ which was played between India and Pakistan at Toronto in Canada from 13-21 September 1997. India won this Five ODI Match Series by 4–1 and Sourav Chandidas Ganguly was also named as ‘The Man of The Series’ in this Sahara ‘Friendship Cup’ ODI Series. All these matches were played at Toronto Cricket, Skating and Curling Club.
Toronto Cricket, Skating and Curling Club, where this series was played
Sourav Ganguly had amassed maximum number of runs (222) and was also the ‘Highest Wicket Taker’ in this series. He took 15 wickets in that series.
Sourav Ganguly being interviewed by Ravi Shashtri in the post match ceremony after 4th ODI match of this series
Now, let us have a look at match by match performance of Team India and also of our Dada in that series-
  • First ODI-
This match was played on 13th September. Pakistan won the toss and elected to field first. Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar and Sourav Chandidas Ganguly opened the innings for India. However, both of them got out early scoring 17 each runs respectively. Later on, India managed to score 208 runs with Mohammad Azharuddin scoring 52 runs and Ajay Jadeja scoring 49 runs. Pakistani spinner Saqlain Mushtaq took a ‘Five Wicket Haul’ against India.
Saeed Anwar and Ramiz Raja opened the innings for Pakistan and got out scoring 2 and 1 run respectively. The complete Pakistan Team got bowled out at 188 runs with Saleem Malik scoring the highest runs of 64. Harvinder Singh and Sourav Ganguly got 3 and 2 wickets respectively.
Ganguly celecrating after taking a wicket
India won this match by 20 runs and Pakistan were fined 1 over for a slow over rate as well as Mohammad Azharuddin took 4 catches in this match equalling to the fielding record for India (Sunil Gavaskar v Pakistan at Sharjah, Rothman's Trophy, 1984/85). Ajay Jadeja was awarded ‘The Man of the Match’ in that match.
  • Second ODI-
This ODI was played on 14th September and again it was Pakistan who won the toss and they elected to bat first. The Indian bowlers put on a splendid show and bowled out the Pakistani Team for 116 runs. Saleem Malik was Pakistan’s highest scorer who scored 36 runs and was later caught and bowled by Sourav. DS Mohanty took 3 wickets and Sourav Ganguly, Robin Singh and Abey Kuruvilla took 2 wickets each with Sourav having the lowest economy rate of 1.77.
Sourav celebrating after taking the wicket of a Pakistani batsman (Source- IBN Live)
Sourav opened the innings alongside Saba Karim and scored 32 runs which included 4 fours. He was later caught by Inzamam-Ul-Haq and Saqlain Mushtaq was the bowler. However, India later won this match by 7 wickets and Sourav was named as ‘The Man of the Match’ for his remarkable performance with both the bat and the ball.
  • Third ODI-
This match was originally scheduled on 17th September but was abandoned due to rain and it took place on the next day i.e., 18th September.
On 17th September, only 31.5 overs were played in which Pakistan batted first putting a final score of 169 runs with Saeed Anwar and Shahid Afridi scoring 74 and 47 runs respectively. Sourav Ganguly bowled 7.5 overs and took 2 wickets. After that the rain stopped play and later on, the match was abandoned.
The match had a reserve day and the match took place on the following day i.e, 18th September.The Pakistan won the toss and opted to bowl first. India made a total of 182 runs with Mohammad Azharuddin scoring a highest of 67 runs followed by Robin Singh who made 32 runs in that innings. From Pakistan’s side, Mohammad Akram took 2 wickets and Aaqib Javed, Azhar Mahmood, Saleem Malik and Saqlain Mushtaq got 1 wicket each.
Pakistan got off a good start with openers Saeed Anwar and Shahid Afridi scoring 22 and 44 runs respectively. But, Sourav Ganguly turned the tables by his splendid bowling performance and complete Pakistani Cricket Team got out for just 148 runs. Ganguly took a ‘Five Wicket Haul’ in that match conceding just 16 runs in his 10 overs. He was named ‘Man of the Match’ later for his significant performance with the ball.
Dada took a ‘Five wicket Haul’ in this match
  • Fourth ODI-
This match took place on 20th September and match was reduced to 28 overs a side due to early morning rain and wet outfield. India finally won the toss in this match and Indian skipper Sachin Tendulkar chose to bowl first. Saeed Anwar and Shahid Afridi were the openers who scored 30 and 2 runs respectively. Pakistan’s final score at the end of 28 overs was 159. Azhar Mahmood was the highest run getter from Pakistan’s side scoring 33. Harvinder Singh and Sourav Ganguly took 2 wickets each whereas Abey Kuruvilla and Debashis Mohanty got 1 wicket respectively.
Sachin and Sourav opened the innings for India and Sachin was caught by Moin Khan and he returned to the pavilion scoring 2 runs. Sourav along with Ajay Jadeja took India to victory with only 3 balls remaining. Ajay Jadeja scored 37 and ‘The Maharaja’ scored a massive 75 runs.
‘The Prince of Calcutta’ playing a sweep shot during his innings
Because of his brilliant performance in both batting and bowling, Sourav was entitled with ‘Man of The Match’ n this match as well.
  • Fifth ODI-
Pakistan won the toss and Pakistan’s then captain Ramiz Raja elected to field first. The openers Sourav and Sachin got India to a flying start with Sachin scoring 51 runs and Sourav scoring 96 including 5 fours and 2 sixes. Indiascored a total of 250 runs with Mohammad Azharuddin scoring 50 at middle order. Azhar Mahmood took 2 wickets and Saqlain Mushtaq and Aaqib Javed took 1 wicket respectively.
Sachin Tendulkar was the Captain of Indian side in this series
Shahid Afridi and Ijaz Ahmed started the innings for Pakistan and gave a solid start with each scoring 39 and 60 runs respectively. Inzamam-Ul-Haq and Hasan Raza scored runs in the middle order and Pakistan chased the target of 250 with 5 wickets remaining. Abey Kuruvilla was the most expensive bowler from India’s side who gave 80 runs. Ganguly and Harvinder Singh took 2 wickets each in this match. For his all round performance, Sourav Ganguly was awarded with ‘Man of The Match’ and ‘Man of the Series’.
Sourav Ganguly was Awarded with a remarkable total of ‘4 Man of The match Awards’ in this series. He was also ‘The Man of The Series’. (Pic Courtsey-
This record of getting 4 consecutive ‘Man of The Match Awards’ has not been broken by any player till date.
Team India with The 1997 Sahara ‘Friendship Cup Trophy’.